Emil Post’s MIU-system is introduced as a formal challenge blending logic, symbols, and rules. This episode unpacks the famous MU-puzzle, reflecting on human versus machine problem-solving, and explores decision-making through the lens of theorems and patterns. Learn how these concepts offer deeper insights into intelligence and formal structures.
Rayne Kalos
Alright, let's jump straight into the MIU-system. It's a formal system conceptualized by Emil Post back in the 1920s. Think of it as a kind of game—except instead of chess pieces or cards, you’re working with symbols. Specifically, just three letters: M, I, and U. Yeah, that’s it. It’s deceptively simple, but also kinda brilliant.
Genovese Caruso
Wait, just three? M, I, and U? That’s the whole system? I mean… it sounds like a puzzle for toddlers.
Rayne Kalos
I know what you’re thinking, but trust me, it’s anything but simple. The whole point of the MIU-system is to explore how you can transform the starting string, MI, using a very specific set of rules. And these rules, oh man, these rules dictate everything you can and can't do.
Genovese Caruso
Okay, okay, hold up. What’s this MI string we’re starting with?
Rayne Kalos
Good question. MI is what we call the axiom—the foundational string of the whole system. Think of it like the “once upon a time” in a story. Everything begins there. From MI, you generate new strings by applying one of four transformational rules. And these rules? They're precise. You can’t wing it or improvise. That restriction is what makes it a formal system.
Genovese Caruso
Ooo, I like a good set of rules. Makes me feel organized. So, what are these magical rules?
Rayne Kalos
Alright, let’s break them down. Rule one: if your string ends in the letter I, you can add a U to the end. Simple enough, right?
Genovese Caruso
So, MI becomes MIU?
Rayne Kalos
Exactly. Now, rule two is a little more interesting. If your string starts with an M followed by any sequence—let’s call that sequence X—you can double X. In other words, MX becomes MXX.
Genovese Caruso
Ooh, doubling’s fun. Kinda like adding extra frosting to a cake. What’s next?
Rayne Kalos
Rule three lets you replace any sequence of three consecutive I’s with a single U. Basically, III becomes U. And finally, rule four allows you to drop two consecutive U’s wherever they appear. UU, gone just like that.
Genovese Caruso
Wait. So… you can add letters in some cases, but then in others, you’re removing them? It’s like a tug-of-war with these strings!
Rayne Kalos
Exactly. And that’s what makes it such a fascinating system to play with. You're constantly balancing between lengthening the string and condensing it—and all within these rigid rules.
Genovese Caruso
Okay, but I have to ask: what happens if someone decides to... I don’t know, break the rules?
Rayne Kalos
Ah, that’s where the “Requirement of Formality” comes in. It’s the golden rule of the MIU-system. If you step outside these rules—like adding a letter randomly or ignoring the constraints—you’re no longer working within the system. You’ve essentially broken the game.
Genovese Caruso
Got it. Stay inside the lines. Kinda like coloring books… except the lines are mathematical logic, and instead of crayons, you’ve got M, I, and U.
Rayne Kalos
Exactly. And that’s where the true challenge lies. Despite these simple rules, the system invites exploration. You can try different combinations, create new strings… but without breaking the rules. It’s all about seeing just how much you can do while staying within the boundaries.
Genovese Caruso
Alright, so we’ve got this whole structured challenge and we’re creating strings like mad scientists with letters. But here’s something bugging me: why exactly are we doing all this? What’s the point?
Rayne Kalos
Great setup for the challenge here. The MU-puzzle asks a seemingly simple question: starting with our axiom MI and applying the rules, can we eventually end up with the string MU? Just two little letters—MU. But solving it isn’t as simple as it sounds.
Genovese Caruso
Wait, so the goal is just to create MU? That’s… adorable. Except, it doesn’t sound very possible, does it?
Rayne Kalos
That’s the twist. As you explore the puzzle, something fascinating happens. It’s not just about following the rules—it’s about realizing the limitations of the system you’re working within. And for us as humans, that ability to step back and think beyond the rules? That’s the real magic here.
Genovese Caruso
Oh, so you’re saying the puzzle isn’t really about MU. It’s more about what happens when we try and fail to get there?
Rayne Kalos
Exactly. Machines can follow the rules forever without ever stepping back to reflect on what they’re doing. Humans, though? We grasp patterns, we think, "Hey, wait—there’s something bigger going on here." That’s how we connect the dots and sometimes see solutions—or, in this case, impossibilities—that aren’t obvious at first glance.
Genovese Caruso
Okay, so humans bring in the "ah-ha!" moments, and machines just chug along endlessly. Classic us, always finding the shortcuts.
Rayne Kalos
Right. Machines mechanically try every possible combination within the rules, while we humans notice things. Like in the MU-puzzle, you might figure out that every string begins with an M. That’s not something a machine would just notice unless explicitly programmed.
Genovese Caruso
Ah, the charm of being human: finding interesting patterns, and sometimes overthinking them completely.
Rayne Kalos
True. But those observations are crucial. For instance, patterns help us step "outside the system" and evaluate it in ways machines cannot. The puzzle becomes less about generating strings and more of a thought experiment—how do rules constrain us, and can we think beyond them?
Genovese Caruso
Right, like those moments when you pause a game and go, "Wait a minute, what’s the point of this anyway?"
Rayne Kalos
Exactly! But stepping back isn’t always natural. The MIU-system teaches us something profound about human intelligence—it’s not just about playing by the book but knowing when and how to question the book itself.
Genovese Caruso
And all this from three little letters. Honestly, I’m impressed.
Rayne Kalos
It’s a perfect lens for understanding how formal systems work, and by extension, what it means for us to operate within rules or frameworks. But let’s not give away too much just yet. The question of whether MU is even possible still looms.
Genovese Caruso
Alright, stepping outside the framework is fascinating, sure—but I’m guessing there’s more to it. Like this term you’ve thrown out before—"theoremhood." Care to demystify it for me?
Rayne Kalos
It does, doesn’t it? But in the MIU-system, theoremhood is really just a technical way of describing any string you can derive from the starting axiom, MI, by applying the rules. So, if you’ve followed all the rules, and you end up with a string? Congrats, that string is a theorem. Nothing lofty about it.
Genovese Caruso
Wait, hang on. In math, when I hear "Theorem," capital T, I think of, like, really big, world-changing statements that someone’s worked out through proofs. But this… this is just playing around with letters?
Rayne Kalos
I get it, and that’s exactly why Douglas Hofstadter made the distinction between "Theorem" with a capital T and "theorem" in this context. In math, a Theorem is a grand statement proven true, usually loaded with meaning. Here, though, a theorem is… well, it’s just a string. No big truths, just something derived from the system’s rules.
Genovese Caruso
Alright, got it. Little "t" theorems are just strings, like MUI or MUU… super down-to-earth. Soooo, why do humans care so much about making these patterns?
Rayne Kalos
Ah, now you’re hitting on something deeper. It’s not just about the patterns themselves—it’s about how we recognize them. Humans have this amazing ability to step back and notice, hey, all these theorems start with M. Or they catch that certain combinations like MU just… don’t seem possible. Machines, meanwhile, just crank out strings without noticing a thing.
Genovese Caruso
Hah, poor machines. Stuck chasing patterns like a puppy chasing its tail. So is this pattern recognition what sets us, you know… apart?
Rayne Kalos
Exactly. Machines are great at grinding tasks endlessly within a strict framework. Humans? We question the framework itself. That’s the leap—stepping outside the system, asking, "Why am I doing this? What’s actually possible here?" Pattern recognition is just the beginning; we invent new ways to think beyond the rules entirely.
Genovese Caruso
Wait, but if we’re always jumping out of systems to find patterns, doesn’t that mean we’re just, I don’t know… making life easier for ourselves?
Rayne Kalos
Well, easier and harder. Recognizing patterns can simplify tasks, sure. But it also gives rise to bigger questions—like with the MIU-system, does MU fit the rules at all? That’s where the idea of a decision procedure comes in.
Genovese Caruso
Decision procedure? Alright, hit me. What are we deciding?
Rayne Kalos
In simple terms, a decision procedure is a test. It asks, "Can I always determine, in a finite amount of time, whether this string is a theorem?" For MIU, the question is, "Is there a test to definitively decide if MU—or any string—is derivable within the rules?"
Genovese Caruso
Okay, making decisions sounds great. But I’m guessing in classic MIU fashion, it’s not that straightforward?
Rayne Kalos
Bingo. The MIU-system teases us with the idea of endless possibilities, but figuring out whether MU is a theorem? It’s maddeningly tricky. And bigger than that, it mirrors how we deal with problems in real life. We crave answers—litmus tests for truth—but sometimes, those tests just don’t exist.
Genovese Caruso
Ouch. So this whole thing… it’s not just about symbols or logic. It’s us staring into the abyss of uncertainty. Geez, Rayne, that’s heavy!
Rayne Kalos
It is, isn’t it? But it’s also beautiful. The MIU-system forces us to grapple with the limits of logic and certainty. Whether we’re solving puzzles, building systems, or just navigating life, it asks us to question not just the answers, but the frameworks we use to find them.
Genovese Caruso
And somehow, three little letters—M, I, and U—did all that. Seriously, I’ll never look at the alphabet the same way again.
Rayne Kalos
And that’s the power of formal systems like this. They start small but stretch our brains in ways we don’t expect. On that note, I think we’ve cracked the essence of the MIU-system—or at least taken a thoughtful walk around its edges.
Genovese Caruso
Totally. This has been such a trip. And, you know, next time, let’s invent our own puzzles. Maybe something with… donuts?
Rayne Kalos
Donuts and puzzles? Now you’re speaking my language. Thanks for exploring this with me, everyone. Until next time, keep challenging those rules.
Genovese Caruso
And remember, the best puzzles always leave you questioning. Catch you later!
Chapters (3)
About the podcast
In this podcast, our hosts explore the book "An eternal Golden braid" Breaking down each chapter in an easy to consume format. They dive into and explore ideas discussed in the book, helping the listener to not only see how the ideas can be applied to every day live, but also how to more easily be able to understand and interpret the information in a way that is thorough, light, fun, a bit flirty and raunchy, and humorous.
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